One Father's Extraordinary Journal of Living Longer with ALS
Return to Cape May

One of the things I have desperately missed over the past several years is our summer vacations in Cape May, New Jersey with our good friends, Joel and Jane Lubin. It was our tradition for nine years, until the energy drain and logistics of travelling with ALS made our rendezvous too difficult. By the summer of 2009, I had regained enough strength, energy and emotional balance to spark interest in trying to resurrect our tradition. After some intense investigation into managing equipment and access to buildings, however, it turned out that Joel and Jane’s vacation house in Virginia was a longer ride but a much more manageable alternative. It was the longest trip we had made in almost four years, but worth every minute. In their typical loving and supportive way, Joel and Jane did everything imaginable to ensure my comfort, safety and access during the five days of our visit. Jane also made sure that I had all the organic produce needed to stay on track with my diet plan, and Joel handled personal care when my aide, Jimmy, took his afternoon walks.

So, instead of watching the porpoises frolic in the surf while sunning ourselves on the beach at Cape May, we watched birds in the backyard while relaxing in their sunroom. We also took in the vistas and wildlife of Shenandoah National Park while driving along the Blue Ridge Parkway. In place of the Victorian architecture of Cape May, we enjoyed the gardens and surroundings at the Glen Burnie House in the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley, and learned more about the area’s history. We ate well, watched movies, talked, and most importantly, thoroughly enjoyed each other’s company. It is hard to find the words to adequately describe how uplifting and enjoyable it was to be able to spend extended quality time with them, and we are planning a return to Virginia next month.

Making this summer even more special, we renewed our rendezvous in Cape May this past weekend. We enjoyed meals together, took in the Victorian ambiance, strolled the boardwalk, and even caught a glimpse of a porpoise or two. Thanks to improvements in my health and the outstanding care and support from Jimmy, my wife, Diane, and Jane and Joel, Cape May has re-entered my life. It is one more example of things that have become possible again as I continue recovering from ALS.

Today is my 60th birthday, an event I never thought I would live to see back in 2003, when a doctor concluded that amyotrophic lateral sclerosis was the reason my right leg had been growing steadily weaker for three years. Refusing to accept the doctor’s belief that ALS must always end in death, I struck off in pursuit of alternative healing. After four years of experimenting, healing strategies that help began to emerge. My purpose in writing this blog is to share with fellow PALS (persons with ALS) what has worked for me, and to provide examples for anyone of how perseverance and positive thinking can help in dealing with overwhelming challenges. My recovery is far from complete, but I grow more confident each day that it is within reach. A recent article in a local newspaper portrays me as someone who is beating the odds. If you’re interested, you can find the article, “Local man with Lou Gehrig’s disease beating odds”, at :

As always, your comments are appreciated. What examples can you share of how perseverance and positive thinking have turned your nightmares into miracles?

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It’s been a good week! Last September, as I may have mentioned in an earlier post, an aggressive increase in one of my treatments caused me to lose about 90% of my already limited hand and forearm function. There were days when I could not move the joy stick that controls my wheelchair. Thanks to some adjustments in the treatment, continued detoxing, my nutritional and exercise programs, emphasis on affirmative thinking, the work of my healer (Jose), and good old perseverance, my arms and hands are completely back to where they were, and continuing to gain strength. I am even noticing additional strength in my shoulders and neck. It all became more noticeable this past week as I began to take easier and more extended strolls around the neighborhood.

Gains like this, of course, are what doctors will tell you are impossible for a person with ALS. And, if I am successful in continuing to reclaim mobility, doctors will most likely proclaim that my recovering from ALS is a miracle, and will ignore what I have done to achieve it. I am convinced that this will be the likely response from the medical community, because I have read and heard so many stories like it. This is one of my motivations for continuing with this blog – to get the word out that there are effective strategies outside of the traditional medical model that a person with ALS can use to fight it.

Another reason it has been a good week is that a reporter from a local newspaper put out an article on my story, providing further exposure for my successful battle against this disease. You can find the article, “Local man with Lou Gehrig’s disease beating odds,” at the following link Please let me know what you think of it.

It can be a lonely battle at times, searching for effective, non-traditional healing practices that work in the face of the sometimes patronizing and skeptical attitudes, and lack of interest one often experiences from medical professionals. Each time I experience a gain like my recent increase in strength, I count my blessings that my perseverance has paid off, and hope that my example somehow benefits others with ALS or other difficult challenges.

Please let me hear from you.

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