buy-book-buttonWhen given a diagnosis of ALS, most victims struggle to make peace with a 2-3 year death sentence. Joe Wions, an energetic businessman who loved his work, his family, and his community, instead made the decision to live.

Joe takes his readers on a journey from nightmares to miracles. Abandoned by Western medicine, he sets out on a quest for alternatives and discovers some surprisingly effective therapies. Determined to find a cure, Joe endures harrowing moments of decline, but eventually stumbles upon the keys that unlock healing in both his body and his mind. Insights and stories from his companions round out this detailed (and often humorous) personal account of Joe’s heroic struggle—between helplessness and power, the physical and the philosophical, personal choice and the punishing reality of ALS.

More Time to Love was presented to Joe’s beloved community at SerenAide, a benefit concert for ALS in New Jersey, in June of 2016. The book will be available in wide release in January, 2017. Please visit the More Time to Love store page if you would like an Advance Reading Copy to provide a pre-release review.